Sketch the look you need to create. This should help you organize your ideas before
getting both hands dirty. When designing your cuff, bear in mind it should have a curve at the very top that attaches it towards the cuff.
Begin with roughly 2 1/2 " of wire. Pull the wire out and work with a set
of wire blades.
File the finishes from
the wire by having an emery board until they're smooth.
Measure 3/4 inch from both sides of the wire and mark a soft pencil.
Fold the wire in opposite directions each
and every mark. Should you fold the very
first mark forward to ensure that it lays on top, fold the 2nd underneath, creating an “S” shape. Make
use of a knitting needle or pencil to produce loops inside
your wire folds. You'll need a smooth circle as opposed to a sharp edge. Place the needle in the bend and push it toward the wire to
complete the advantage.
Still work loops in to the wire before the piece matches your design. Use wire blades to trim excess wire out of your cuff. File any rough edges using the emery board.
Create a small loop towards
the top of your piece.
Attach the wire wrap towards the Hollow
Ear Cuff by placing the little loop around the wire piece in to the loop in your cuff. Use needle-nosed pliers to
press around the wire loop and secure it towards the cuff.