
Use A Landing Page Wholesale

The use of a landing page is a marketing technique use by Internet marketers to capture a reader's attention on just one product on one page and if they don't buy they are gone.How it works is that they send out mass emails with a catchy tittle, a bit of smart ad copy, which spurs the curiosity of the reader to click on the link. Then the reader is re-directed to a single page which has nothing but the sales pitch on it for the product they are trying to sell and a link to click on to buy.The Problem With This Type Of Landing PageWhat happens here is that sales page has no other information on it. The are no top or side tabs to click on, Wholesale no contact information, no way to ask any questions or see any other part of the web site if they even have one.It is destined for the reader to either buy the product right then and there or they leave.You lose a lot of potential customers with this type of technique.A Better Way To Use A Landing PageThe whole concept Wholesale Lasers behind a mass email campaign is to bring potential customers to your web site. Once they are there you want to give them the opportunity of buying a product, or signing up for your free offer or newsletter or even Wholesale Motorcycle give them the ability to ask a question about said product or explore the rest of your web site.A better way to try and capture a potential customer with this Wholesale LED Bulbs type of marketing technique is after you send the great email and ad, when they click on the ad it takes them to a sales page within your web site.Now this sales page has nothing but the product description and sales pitch on it but it also has the topic tabs that they can click on. This gives them the opportunity to either contact you for more information about the product or explore the rest of your web site to see if you might have something else they might be interested in.Give Them A reason To StaySince you already have spent the time and money to get the potential customer to click on your email ad to explore your offer, if they do not want that particular product, you want to give them the option to check out the rest of your site. This way you have a better chance of making a sale or getting them to opt-in for more information down the line.Give them a reason to stay on your web site. At the end of the ad that brought them to your web site, add some copy about your free offer or to check out your Blog for the latest information or ask them to drop you an email for feedback or such.Do not just let them leave, give them options to stick around and see what else you have to offer.

