
MLM Made Simple

The greatest way to study about a anyone and see if they are the type of person you want to work with and invest time into you must interview them and find out what their wants, motivation and goals are. You are listening for their “why.” The More You Practice That Better You GetMLM China Wholesale prospecting is a skill set you want to get very good at in your business. Your capability to qualify and disqualify people for your time will get better and better the more you practice. Ask the Right Questions and LISTENHere are a a small amount of suggestions for improving your prospecting in your MLM business in addition to what Cedrick Harris (a master prospector and closer) shared above. First of all be normal, ask tons of questions and LISTEN. Listen for their needs, goals, and motivation. Find out about their family, recreational activities, occupation and motivation for change. If you ask the correct questions you will hear exactly what the person needs so you will know if you have something that will help them. Remember people are tuned in to WIFM (What’s in it for me). persons only care about what’s in it for them. Period. That means you can stop worrying about you and what you are going to express…stop chatting and begin listening. Most persons are never listened to. Take the time to really relate with individuals and you will be amazed at the outcome. This is how you will become a professional prospector air swimmers in yourNetwork Marketing Business.Your Time is Valuable & You Must Choose Wisely Who You Invest Your Time WithDon’t be afraid to let someone go when they don’t seem to have the motivation or drive or desire to make a modification in their life. You’re time is costly and you should never work with someone who does not have the qualities of someone you are looking for in your business. You should never try to induce or talk individuals into doing the business or using your service. Remember you are not in the chasing and convincing business, you are in the sifting and sorting business. You are looking for the serious persons who are ready to take action and let the rest go. This is what prospecting in MLM is all about…identifying the leaders and knowing how to connect with them and letting everyone else be. This will mean you will spend more time with quality people and less time with all the people who never would have taken action anyways.An Effective Way to Attract Quality Leads

